Monthly Sales
NT$ '000 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
1 | 1,061,632 | 813,776 | 873,750 | 761,338 | 602,410 | 493,179 | 444,041 |
2 | 786,464 | 812,320 | 643,594 | 599,791 | 658,504 | 314,549 | 331,407 |
3 | 1,202,405 | 1,245,351 | 1,081,223 | 864,164 | 786,115 | 420,926 | 448,994 |
4 | 1,132,924 | 846,720 | 879,141 | 724,446 | 748,609 | 616,100 | 402,230 |
5 | 1,066,638 | 993,539 | 914,089 | 845,247 | 685,815 | 729,961 | 443,093 |
6 | 1,739,578 | 1,799,327 | 2,208,773 | 1,662,605 | 1,275,443 | 676,790 | 418,537 |
7 | 949,035 | 1,022,672 | 906,199 | 965,934 | 725,137 | 696,166 | 433,298 |
8 | 918,462 | 891,803 | 831,107 | 793,517 | 701,837 | 1,240,355 | 434,439 |
9 | 916,900 | 861,221 | 908,840 | 832,723 | 915,901 | 788,561 | 409,979 |
10 | 1,200,893 | 908,917 | 974,105 | 807,007 | 716,226 | 427,306 | |
11 | 1,176,212 | 941,152 | 1,133,311 | 701,599 | 649,360 | 452,166 | |
12 | 1,934,630 | 1,229,700 | 1,166,930 | 946,645 | 920,437 | 451,768 | |
Total | 9,774,038 | 13,598,464 | 12,326,485 | 11,324,111 | 9,555,022 | 8,262,610 | 5,097,258 |
- All monthly sales revenues are denominated in thousands of New Taiwan Dollars.
- All monthly sales revenues are unaudited figures and could differ from the audited results.
- Starting 2013, Lien Hwa Industrial Holdings Corp. will provide monthly sales on consolidated basis only due to the adoption of IFRS15.
Investor Relations
Name: Roger Lin
Title: President
Deputy Spokesman
Name: Chris Yen
Title: Chief Financial Officer
TEL:+886-2-2786-1188 ext.1800
Investor Relations
Tiger Chang
TEL:+886-2-2786-1188 ext.1622
Stock Service
CTBC Bank Co., Ltd.
Stock Agency Department
TEL: +886-2-6636-5566